[부가영상] (48:40)
오퍼나지 제작 과정
When Laura Grew Up: Constructing The Orphanage (17:38)
메이킹 필름
Tomas' Secret Room: The Filmmakers (10:17)
Neophytes: The Director And His Team
An Echo Waiting To Be Heard: Scoring
Believe And You Will See: Art Directing
200: VFX
Ready, Set, Rip: Title Deconstruction
분장 효과
Horror In The Unknown: Make-Up Effects (09:22)
배우 오디션 및 대본 리딩
Rehearsal Studio: Cast Auditions And Table Read (03:43)
스틸 갤러리
Still Gallery
마케팅 캠페인
Marketing Campaign
Korean Theatrical Teaser (00:30)
Korean Theatrical Trailer (01:21)
Spanish Theatrical Teaser (00:44)
Spanish Theatrical Trailer (02:10)
U.S. Theatrical Teaser (00:51)
U.S. Theatrical Trailer (02:04)